Monday, April 11, 2016

MAN TALK: Me and Tiger Woods

Maybe you've never heard of me, Tiger, but odds are pretty good that your dad knew of me and would see the parallels between us now.  You were-- flat-out-- the BEST in your sport and I arguably was the BEST in mine: Basketball.  It's been said that I was the prototype of today's "power forward", the most valuable player on my era's best pro team.  I was a scorer, playmaker and a rebounder who could leap like, well, a tiger! I had Game, like you, and I lost it over reckless behavior and shameless disrespect for my athletic body and artful soul.  It pained me when I saw you drop out of this year's Masters for reasons real and imagined.  It pained me because Golf has been the Love of your Life like Basketball was mine.  (I know the ladies don't like to hear it but it's truer than Tuesday and Taxes-- sooner than later they both get here.)  I turned my life around and, make no mistake, YOU can, too, to restore your game to its grand majesty.  But to do it, I urge you to spend one week with me at a venue of your own choosing.  You see, I've invented a program I call THE POWER OF POSITIVE LIVING.  I've written a book about it but I would prefer to tell you about it first-hand, man to man. It has to do with nutrition, maturation and saturation of the principles required in recapturing belief in yourself.  It also has to do with the visualization of the future of your own well-being.  Once you got Game you never really lose it.  It just needs a little overhaul and you're back on track to Glory.  Believe me.  Have your caddy call me and I'll have my Caddy-- Cadillac, that is-- sent over to to pick you up.

Yours truly,
Dr. Jumpin' Johnny Kline, Ph.D.


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